With so many things tugging at us from all directions, we seem to be busier than ever despite all our modern-day conveniences. Distractions abound as we move about at a hurried pace. I am just like you, a citizen of this world, caught up in the seeming reality that it "all" must get done until I stop and say wait!
While all this is going on "Art" continuously seems to call me. It says "look", "listen", "feel", "connect". There is something important here that needs your attention". Making Art has always been something that has intrigued and energized me. And it felt like my own private realm of exploration and freedom. Making Art for no other reason than to experience the joy inherent in being present with myself is a reality that I have learned to appreciate and love. But now that I'm able to share it with others, a new dimension has enhanced the making beyond my own gratification. It has given me a way to speak and connect with others in the way that I know. Without words and with a beautiful medium. It is this shared reality that I am now more aware of that the making becomes purposeful. It is a gift that I have been given and so my great joy is to share it with others.